Friday, January 11, 2013

Amazed by Grace

I was involved in an amazing project a couple of years ago called The Beat Eucharist.  It expanded my ideas about worship hugely and helped build my confidence to mess around with words at all.  As part of this, we led a celebration of the Beat Eucharist at college where we experimented with Beat Sermon's.  This is mine; Amazed by Grace. (With a good nod to John Newton)

Amazed by grace, yet we confound
By following our TV
We fix our mind on image and sound
And build up our own ‘me’

Frame after frame of worldly pain floods our deepest sense of self.  We gorge ourselves on every aspect that the flat-screened casket spews into the pews of the gathered sofa church.  A nationwide funeral homogeneously pelts out the eulogy of the pre-supposed passing of poor old me. 

We cling to self importance, self worth, self indulgence singing the shallow song of doing it all our way; being the one and only, somehow forgetting the one and only, who gave it all for me.
In our kingdom, we each are king; the greatest and the good.

Pious and proud we each look down and with scornful looks deride.
Yet deep inside, past taught tripwires and bulky barricades lies a mirror – the very heart of our being – the core of our consciousness.  It reflects the very light of heaven, an image of the Almighty.  It puts to flight the fight of those who seek to feed on our need; the carrion picking vultures who vehemently seek to make us think  that our funeral casket is already being carried to our grave.

But if we look deep, deep into the scratched mirror that lies dusty and forgotten in the pit of our despair.  Glancing through grime that time has etched across the once gleaming glass, we expect to inspect the image of the ‘me’ built up so selfishly, but shocked we see not me, but he! Arms flung wide in love for me; he died for me; he lives for me!

We look again, but still we see, the Christ reflected back.  The healing hands held wide, wide open in love.  We wipe the mirror, now wet with tears which tell of torments past.  The dirt gives way so we can see the way, the truth, the life.

Questions of greatness now grieve as we perceive the future path.  We conceive our greater need to breathe the breath of God – to feed on that which freed our stumbling sense of self.  To cut out that which cuts out light to the life that we could lead.

The mirror marks our march of transformation from the shallow selfish me once moulded by me but now, step by stumbling step striving to mirror the Messiah modelled for me by the higher power of the divine maker, creator and author of me, who put the mirror inside of me, breathed life in me and as a Father longs for me.
The Kingdom of Rust filmed in high definition with every passing particle captured in chromatic climactic crowning glory is now eclipsed by my Messiah’s glory.  My heartfelt cry claws at my throat as an urgent utterance desperate to be declared.

Change me Lord, mould me to be who you created me to be.  Let my image, my very self, reflect your image.  Let others see what you want me to be and your Kingdom be brought through me.

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost but now am found
Was blind, but now I see.
Andy Stinson and John Newton

Saturday, January 05, 2013


So this is Christmas
And what have you done?
Everything ready?
Celebrations begun?

The Shopping completed,
The Family all here.
Dinner is cooking
And soon stress appears!

But then it is gone.
Laughter flows, love grows
And soon Grandma sleeps,
Dozing through TV shows

Amidst all this hubbub
Dare we join the dots
Search for connections,
See what we can spot.

Celebration and wonder
Surrounding a child
Such humble beginnings
With straw and dung piles

Tinsel and sparkle
Fit for a great king
Shepherds pay homage
And angel choirs sing.

Gifts that are given
Thought out and planned
Meaning so much more
Than they understand

The stars in the sky,
Once play things to him,
Now shimmer and gleam
To welcome us in.

Right at the centre
Of all of this fuss
Comes our Lord Jesus
Born for each of us.

Love has come to us;
God here on the earth.
The source of creation
Himself come to birth.

A contradiction;
God walking with us
With you and with me.

He brings salvation,
A Future for all
To overcome sin’s curse
To redeem the fall.

Our eternal future
A tiny baby
Creation’s promise
Released, set free.

So this is Christmas,
What has been done?
Sin’s curse is over,
A new era begun.

Advent 4

Chestnuts roasting on an open fire
The crackling warmth of hearth and home
Interrupted by a dazzling sight
An angel shining, burning bright
Blazing, gleaming
Radiance beaming
The noumenal appearing
Mary reeling
Her broom cast aside, a forgotten tool of an irrelevant task.
“Do not be afraid” he began
His wings wedged ‘twixt wall and wall
Floor and ceiling frame his bowing form
Heaven’s majestic messenger cowering before a terrified teen
“Do not be afraid” he repeats
His smooth sonorous sibilance serving to reassure his own wavering words
The fragile, folded female fleetingly glances up
Then falteringly finds her feet
From the dust, she is raised up.
“You have found favour with the divine creator”
Heaven holds its breath
Eternity awaits the herald’s words.
“The word will be woven, knitted to flesh in your womb!
Eternity will enter earth, heaven’s heartbeat housed in human form!
The sublime divine son will call you mum.
Yeshua will be his name,
He’ll raise the dead and heal the lame.
A descendant of King David’s line,
He’ll stop the rot of man’s decline.”
“I’m pregnant” Mary mutters,
“But how… I haven’t…”
“God’s Holy Spirit will be sent
You’ll conceive a son by his movement
A child born, a new age begun
For he will be God’s own son!”
“Ok” She said, “God’s will be done.”
In this simple way,
This humble first step home,
Taken for all by a teenage girl;
Society’s side-lined slave.
An acceptance freely given,
of forgiveness freely offered.
Permission to participate in the divine plan
To rescue the future of sinful man
Grace was given by this simple phrase
To kids from one to ninety-two
Although it’s been told many times, many ways,
This gave Christmas to you.

Advent 3

Do they know it’s Christmastime?
A time of warmth, well meaning cheer.
Rose-tinted smiling oxen
Air-brushed angels who gently flap and sing.
Do they know it’s Christmastime?
Did they get the memo?
We crave soft focus, wide-angled perfection;
A baby that doesn’t cry;
Oxen that don’t smell;
A poultice of platitudes to ease our troubled soul.
Do they know it’s Christmastime?
What place then for a ranting ragged loon?
Screaming, spittle streaming and vehemently venting
Camel clad costume secured with leather loops,
Lunching on locusts and chomping on honeycomb.
This throwback to ancestral, prophetic piety,
Out of time, out of place and out of luck,
Our ears are stopped and locked.
We won’t hear his haranguing
We are safe and secure in our seclusion
Self-absorbed, self-absolved in our own scene.
No room for discomfort, only soft sheen.
Do they know it’s Christmastime?
This miraculous man, born in scintillating circumstances
This child of faithful folk, following God’s call.
This child now grown, who calls us home
Ranting and raving about the one who’s saving sinners
This one to come, greater and more worthy.
This sledgehammer call to repentance which shatters hardened hearts
Which calls for winding roads to become parallel paths of righteousness.
John the baptiser, realiser of the prophetic past.
This is Christmas.
A seismic shift in humanity’s permanent perspective.
The hungry fed,
The rejected accepted
The sinner embraced and welcomed home.

Advent 2

I’m dreaming of the first Christmas
Foretold by seers in ancient times.
The waiting, watching patient prophets
Gazing through the mists of time.
Amidst the calls to turn, relent,
To cease the sin and to repent
Sit seeds of shining heavenly hope;
Refracting and reflecting
The beams of light in blackest night.
These singers of the song of hope,
Soloists amidst the smoke,
Of rising incense in the air,
Drown out the dirge of sin’s despair.
Their melody moves me to tears,
Even after countless years.
The suffering servant who will come,
Sins shackles shattered and undone.
This child who will be born to us,
Bearing the burden of both covenant and government,
Wonderful, Counsellor, Mighty God
King of kings and Prince of Peace,
Hope of the Nations
Light of the World
All this pressure to be placed
On a humble, vulnerable babe in arms.
As we trace this tune through page and year
We find only one path appear.
A path pioneered by Jesus Christ,
The source of light in blackest night
A beacon shining, gleaming bright
Through whom our Christmas will be white.
Our sins washed as white as snow,
Beyond detergents’ fragrant glow,
Our innocence reclaimed by grace
That God may show to us his face.
So now, we dream and watch and wait.
We hum that haunting melody.
Which seers sang and prophets performed
“I’m dreaming of a white Christmas,
Foretold by seers in ancient times
May God’s love shine on you, so bright.
And through Him may Christmases be white.”