Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Ash Wednesday

Remember that you are but dust, and to dust you shall return.
Turn away from your sin and be faithful to Christ.

Remember that you are but dust, and to dust you shall return.
Turn away from your sin and be faithful to Christ.

Remember that you are but dust, and to dust you shall return.
Turn away from your sin and be faithful to Christ.

Heads bowed in humility.
Reminded of their humanity.
Foreheads etched with the sign that will set them free.
Palms of hollow praise; burnt and pulverised to penitential paste.
Dust to crown children of dust.
To mark their future as children of Christ.

Thursday, February 07, 2013

Dwelling with joy and grace

This is the product of a 24 hour retreat looking at Philippians led by the very marvelous Revd Christine Bull.  The links are to images are those she led us through, the wandering words are mine.

In the darkest prison,
The pen flashed on the page.
Like light through a prism,
These words illuminate.
Joy sparkles and shines,
Its cascading colours fill the dimly lit gloom,
Like cartwheeling figures dancing to a tune.

This poem of freedom birthed by a captive
His joy uncontained, unrestrained and untamed
Flows from the source of all things.

Against it, I pit my deepest dark fears
Questions unanswered
Barren, wilderness Walks
All burdened by logic which intellect taught.

But this freedom is grace
Not divorced from thought
But birthed by imaginations rich tapestry
Beyond observation comes freedom for me
Fragile thoughts weave, spin and warp
Like swirling bright stars in the firmament caught

As ephemeral reason flies out of reach
From them grows a still inner peace.
Here in the perichoretic dance am I found
My feet moving fast, barely touching the ground

I drink from the source that I find in this groove
As Christ my companion teaches me to move.
This gift freely given to use with the love
That he demonstrates to all high above
As nailed to a cross he bleeds for us
With history's manic panoramic view spread below
My Saviour shows grace given freely for all

So, bound in the freedom I find in this love
The joyful colours now descend like a dove
The Holy Spirit empowers bitter sweet truthes:
That light shines in darkness;
Our questions are themselves answers;
Joy is seen in sorrow's shadow;
And grace's freedom is a servant's yoke.